Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not much to blog about.

Not too much to blog about today, but wanted to post anyway. I met with my Chinese Adoption Book Club on Sunday and it was great. I really am glad to have met these women, all whom have adopted from China. It's so good to have people to talk to that are in the same situation, or have been there before. So far, there are about 8 or so of us. I'm the only one with no kids yet, just one on the way... Some of the women are waiting on their second child and others recently returned with theirs. It's a great group. We read a book called "Chinese Cinderella" by Adeline Yin Ma. It is a book that is on the Lone Star Reading list for 6th grade in TX. Some of my students read it for their summer reading project. Deals with abandonment through the eyes of the narrator, Adeline. It's a memoir.